Development Notes & Ideas

In the meeting we discussed how the interaction will work; will the puzzle bring up a website, will it be a drag & drop answer or will the player have to move the character to a yes/no button/lever?

Let’s break each of them down…

Website pop up
This would be where the player will input the answer to the puzzle, typing in code or debugging a line or block of code. *This may break immersion but will allow for an easy-to-use interface*

Drag & Drop
The puzzle will be an in-game pop up and it would bring 3 possible answers with it (for example). The player then has to drag the correct block into the right place in the code in order to progress. *This will be more immersive than the website as the player is still in-game, but it may not be as encouraging for the player to learn the code.*

This will allow the user to stay in game fully and still be in control of the character. The puzzle will appear and ask the player if the answer is correct (could also work as multiple choice) and the player will have to move the character to the appropriate floor button and jump onto it in order to activate the answer. Getting the answer correct will unlock the door – getting the answer wrong will reset the puzzle (maybe take health also). *This will be the most immersive method but may not be as encouraging for the player to learn.*

Each of the options listed have both good and bad points and we will decide which one works best, if any. We also aim to get some audience feedback so we can take into consideration which they believe is best whilst playing. This may lead to one proving itself above the rest, all of them being useless or each of them being applied to a different age bracket.

We have also discussed the option of using all three possibilities but setting them as difficulties. For example the website pop up in which the player inputs the code from memory and what they have learned will be the ‘hard’ difficulty, the drag & drop option will be ‘medium’ as it requires less knowledge and is easier to answer, and finally the ‘easy’ difficulty will be the yes/no option. This is something we will take into consideration and draw upon again shortly.

– Ryan

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